

5 Keys To Awaken Your Wellness

Feb 2, 2018 | 0 comments

(See The Written Blog Post Below)

Awaken Your Wellness

As some of you know, I am a Physical therapist, but what a lot of you may NOT know is that I was, at one time, a chronic pain sufferer. Yes, I was in a major car accident with severe injuries and multiple surgeries. But we will get to that story at another time.

If I asked you today, what was the BEST way for you to reach your Health & Wellness goals, what would you say? Diet, Exercise/Fitness Program with a personal Trainer or supplements is usually the answer that I get from people.

I’m talking to you today about your ability to “Awaken Your Wellness”. To reach your health and wellness goals. Goals that you previously thought were unreachable.

Now, I say “Awaken Your Wellness” because I feel we all have the ability within us to enhance our level of health & wellness but it it lies dormant or asleep; Waiting to be awakened.

Waiting for us to unlock the power we all have within us to create a future that is in alignment with our goals.

To awaken yourself and your state of mind,… and to identify your untapped strengths and abilities, to uncover the path that leads you to achieving desires.

But where does that path start?

Does it start with a “Wellness Program” like a “Diet” or exercise/fitness program given to you by a health professional or physician?…NO

Does it start with some programs you found on the web that offers supplements to solve all of your problems?…NO

So where does it start? …..Wait for It….Wait for it….

It starts with you!

You see, you are the only person that walks YOUR path, that leads to the accomplishment of your goals. And to help you “Awaken Your Wellness”, there are key factors that will get you there.

Here are The 5 Keys To Awakening Your Wellness:

  1. Your Mindset or State of Mind
  2. Your Beliefs
  3. Motivation
  4. Focus
  5. Habits

Let’s look at each these.

First, Your Mindset or State of Mind

It starts with you and your state of mind. Because if you don’t have the right state of mind there isn’t a program on earth that will help you improve your health and wellness. It Must begin with you.

And the other four Keys below really become subsets of your state of mind because if you don’t have the state of mind that allows you to be open to change your current habit patterns than any success will probably be short lived. I imagine that you have probably seen this in your own life or the lives of your friends or family.

The right state of mind begins with your awareness of your current state or an “Awakening” as to what your current state is. And asking questions of yourself:

Am I happy where I am now?

What are my feelings towards my ability to reach my goals?

Do I have any Goals?
Are You Negative most of the time?
Do you say things like:

“I could never exercise like that” or “I can’t eat like that”,
“I’ve never been able to control myself”, “I have no Will power”, “I’m always late”
“Oh, I’m a very anxious person”

What many people don’t realize is that when you says things like that to yourself, you BELIEVE it… And you make it so that you make yourself right.

So when you say to yourself, “I have No Will Power” and you are attempting to improve your eating habits, you eventually start to eat poorly because you have told yourself that you have no will power.

So being in the right State of mind is “Awakening” yourself to be aware with where you are and KNOWING that you DO have control. You have control over your thoughts and your actions and can progress forward rather than feeling that the world is Happening TO you.

This leads to your beliefs. Your beliefs about yourself.

2. Beliefs:

You need to enhance your beliefs about yourself to be in alignment with what your goals are.

Believe in yourself and your abilities to reach your goals. Try this affirmation statement:
“I have the courage, the will and determination to do what it takes to reach my goals and to progress forward”

Along with the right state of mind and belief in yourself comes Motivation:

3. Motivation:

Motivation defined is the desire or drive to attain something or the act or process of giving someone a reason to do something. The latter half of that definition is about motivating someone else but when it come to reaching your goals (YOUR GOALS) the motivation must come from within or be Intrinsic.

Motivation comes from you deciding the reasons that you want to accomplish your goals and, you see, this must overcome the inertia or the force that is keeping you in your current state.
The reasons must be stronger than what keeps you in the current cycle that you are in.

Ask yourself; why do you want to reach your goals? What would your life look like if you reached your goals? How would your life improve?

If it’s your health and wellness, would reaching your goals, extend your life a decade? What could you do with your extra 10 years?

Starting with the right “state of mind” and belief in yourself will enhance your motivation and allow you to be more FOCUSED.

Note: Look for my FOCUS Boot Camp which is a 5 part video training series to help you enhance your FOCUS and reach your goals

4. Focus

Being focused means having your concentration and attention on what your goals are.
This would mean that you actually have to have specific goals set for yourself.

Do you have health and wellness goals set for yourself?
If not, that is the next step is to write out specific goals for yourself.

The more specific and time bounded the better and, YES, you have to write them out.
I will do a separate post on setting goals for yourself.

Check Out my FOCUS Survey. CLICK This Link for FOCUS Self Assessment

FOCUS Self Assessment

With improved focus your can direct your attention towards your Habits.

5. Habits

We are a collection of our thoughts and actions up to this point in time. Our repeated actions become ingrained habits. Now, here is the fact and matter of our habits.
The degree to which we have poor habits we get poor results. The degree to which we have good habits we get good results.

So in a nutshell, to improve our health & wellness, we want to reduce the amount of “Bad’ Habits we have (…and we all have them) and increase and improve our good habits (…and we have them too).

So in review, the keys to “Awakening Your Wellness” are:

1. Being in the right “State of Mind”
2. Belief in Yourself: You gotta believe in yourself
3. Being properly motivated
4. Being Focused: on the specific goals you have set for yourself and being committed to positive lifestyle changes
5. Habits: Developing positive lifestyle habits that will enhance your level of health and wellness.

If you would like to see changes soon, the first thing I would recommend, is to sit down and think about what you would like to accomplish with respect to your health & wellness.

Now that you’ve thought about it. write down specific goals for yourself and then plan out how you will accomplish those goals. Remember, no one can do it for you.

In the coming blogs I will get more in depth about each of these topics. For now, try to implement some the information that you took away from this blog.

Have A Great Week & Be Well



Awaken Your Mind


Motivation    Focus    Results

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