

How To Reset To Get Control In Your Life

Dec 15, 2023 | 0 comments

How To Reset To Get COntrol In Your Life

And this is one of my favorite sayings,…

“If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always be what you’ve always been.”

Listen to that. Again, “If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always be what you’ve always been. “

They say that 90% of the thoughts that we have daily are the same thoughts that we had previously. We just put ’em on rinse and repeat, and the loop keeps going. And remember, neurons that fire together, wire together.

So, your negative thought patterns can be habit forming. And unfortunately, they say, we could have up to 60,000 thoughts a day, and like 80% of those thoughts are negative, like when we’re doing that negative toxic self-talk.

So what do we do to change that?

We have to change our mindset and we have to change our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.

Once we start doing that, then we start to see changes.

So if I want to reverse this or say the statement another way, …”if I always do what I’ve always done, then I’ll always be what I’ve always been.”…

If you want to see different results than what I’ve been getting, then you need to do things differently than I’ve been doing them.

So the mindset is your choice. You have to actually choose to have a Positive, ProActive Mindset.

It doesn’t just come out of the blue. You can’t have anybody else force you to do it. They can help you do it, but then it’s has to come from your own motivation as well.

Every day you have a choice. So, you wake up, you can decide whether you’re going to be positive and have a positive, proactive mindset. Or are you going to be negative?

Usually, what happens is you’re not choosing to be negative. You just haven’t decided to live life on purpose. So if you haven’t decided to live life on purpose, you default default to the negative.

’cause then you’re just passively going through your day. And then what happens is the day happens to you. …Remember…

If you don’t run your day, your day runs you.

So if you “decide” and plan what you’re going to do today, then you know you’re doing this, this, and this. The anything that comes your way, it’s in relationship what to what you’ve already decided youo’re doing.

If you haven’t, you’re going to passively go through the day, then you have to react to everything that comes out at you.

And that usually adds to your stress and anxiety and overwhelm. 

You see, Everything works better with a positive attitude. So why not be positive?

We need to hit the “Reset Button.” I actually keep these in my refrigerater. I have one at work too. And it’s a reminder to myself to focus on the positive and to have a positive mindset.

Let’s say that all of these negative things happen to you that day or “seem to happen to you.

Your shoelace breaks,

you go outside and your tire’s flat.

You walk into your garage and your roof is leaking.

Whatever it is. All of these things happen.

It’s okay to get mad. It’s okay to get upset. That’s normal!

It’s just not okay to stay that way.

And that’s the hard part. So what do you need? You need a reset button.

A Mindset Reset is the ability to recognize your negative cycle and to bring yourself back or to reset to a more positive state.

Let me say that again…

A Mindset Reset is the ability to recognize your negative cycle and to bring yourself back or to reset to a more positive state.

And that takes awareness.

You Get to the point where you recognize your state, take a breath…A Pause and say:  “I gotta flip this around. I gotta flip the script. I’m having a bad day and I don’t have to have a bad day.  I can turn this around and create a positive state”

That’s hitting the reset button.

Or having a short fuse with somebody either at work or at the grocery store at Target, home with your family; whatever it is.

And to take a breath and to actively say, “you know what? I don’t have to get upset. It is my perception of the situation. That’s why I’m getting upset.”

Nobody has the ability to make you upset. That is your choice. You have 100% control of how you respond to any gif given situation. You may not think you do, but you do. 100% control.

That’s hard. And that’s hard to also take the accountability for that. 

It’s the ability to choose a positive mindset.

So what are some mindset reset triggers physical psychological triggers to help you reset to a more positive mindset.

For me, one of my reminders is a ring I wear on my right hand and this is my reminder to have a positive mindset.

If you do meditation, usually have a handhold where you hold your thumb to your index or pointer finger.  You can use this during your day. This could be your “reset”.  Nobody has to see. It could be in your pocket and you could have your finger to your  thumb this is a reminder to reset your mindset to the positive.

Here’s another reset. You can have a paperclip in your pocket or some other small object.  For me, I love a small stone in my pocket. I have a box of these stones in my bedroom and I have another one in my office. I have them all over the place. They’re in my car. This reminds me to have a good mindset.

The point is, it’s anything to help remind yourself to have a positive mindset. It could be just taking a deep breath. It could be counting to 10, …whatever it is. 

Another great Mindset Reset Trigger is a door.

Whatever door you pass through becomes a reminder of the state of mind you want to have when you enter that space. 

You walk into the door of your office and say, okay, I want to act this way.

Throughout my day, I walk through the door of my physical therapy treatment room.

I want to have positive energy.

I want to have a healing energy.

I want to help that person feel better. 

To bring the energy to that patient so that they expect to feel better.

Because I expect them to feel better.

It’s not going in there worrying about what I have to do after work because that energy carries over to my patient.

How about the doorway to home.

How do you want to act with your family?

How do I want to be as a spouse?

How do I want to be as a father or mother?

That door, as you walk into your house,… that’s a reminder, that’s a trigger.

So I would challenge you to really look at your mindset and work on your mindset… continuously.

It’s reframing your thoughts to focus on being positive.

It’s not just being happy, it’s having a Positive, Proactive Mindset.

Well, I hope this information Helped you out.

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I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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